FlemKen is a Child Safe Parishes

Our Parish Safeguarding Team would like to inform all Parish volunteers that it is now a safeguarding requirement for them to complete an online Essential Safeguarding Training Program. This is to make sure everyone understands the importance of child safety and our responsibilities.

To access this online training please click here. To login, you will need your WWCC number and your email address.

All Parish volunteers are expected to complete this training as part of our compliance for child safeguarding and your participation will be recorded.

At FlemKen, we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our Parish.

Our commitment is drawn from and inherent in, the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel.

Safeguarding Committee

Our Safeguarding Committee is chaired by <TBA>. Other members include Liz Fair, Mary Nguyen our Parishes School Principals and Fr. Thang. Members of the Committee can be contacted via the Parish Office.

Parish Employees & Volunteers

All Parish Employees and Volunteers are required to have a current Working with Children Check. (WWCC)

Further Information

For further information, policy documents and resources please go to:

Safeguarding | Melbourne Catholic

Other resources:

  1. Working with Children Check How to apply or update

  2. Police Check How to Apply & Update